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  • Bathymetric datasets, collected after 2005, are controlled and qualified. They are mainly acquired with multi-beam echosounders.

  • Bathymetric datasets, collected between 1970 and 1990, are mainly acquired with single-beam echosounders. Quality controls and qualification, conducted by the Shom, on these datasets are not exhaustive. Datasets may present significant uncertainties and errors may remain.

  • Bathymetric datasets, collected between 1990 and 2005, are digital data controlled and qualified. They are acquired with single-beam echosounders and the first generations of multi-beam echosounders.

  • Bathymetric datasets, collected before 1970, are historical surveys acquired with leadlines (and single-beam echosounders after 1930-1940). Quality controls and qualification, conducted by the Shom, on these datasets are not exhaustive. Datasets may present significant uncertainties and errors may remain.

  • Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.

  • Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.

  • Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.

  • Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.

  • The coastal topo-bathymetric DTM of the Arcachon basin and its surroundings at a resolution of 0.0002° (~ 20 m) was produced as part of the HOMONIM project. The DTM covers the coastline of a part of the Gironde department, from the Carcans and Hourtin ponds in the North, to the Cazaux and Sanguinet lakes in the South. It covers the entire Arcachon basin and extends offshore to about 40 m depth. The DTM is intended to be implemented in hydrodynamic models in order to produce accurate forecasts of water heights and sea states at the coast and to improve the French storm surge warning system.

  • The coastal topo-bathymetric DTM of the Arcachon basin and its surroundings at a resolution of 0.0002° (~ 20 m) was produced as part of the HOMONIM project. The DTM covers the coastline of a part of the Gironde department, from the Carcans and Hourtin ponds in the North, to the Cazaux and Sanguinet lakes in the South. It covers the entire Arcachon basin and extends offshore to about 40 m depth. The DTM is intended to be implemented in hydrodynamic models in order to produce accurate forecasts of water heights and sea states at the coast and to improve the French storm surge warning system.