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Seamless Shom nautical charts - West Africa - EAtHC is a product composed of digital images taken from Shom nautical charts, with no additions, legends or georeferencing information. At a given scale, it is possible to view only the maps with a scale that allows a correct display. The footprint of all the maps composing this product are shown. Unless exceptional circumstances apply, this product is updated on a monthly basis and the modified grid squares are re-published, replacing the previous versions. All corrections, publications and editions with an effect on the reference nautical charts are taken into consideration.
Fond de carte bathymétrie GEBCO 2014 et trait de côte Histolitt. Non diffusable hors data.shom.fr.
Seamless Shom nautical charts - West Africa is a product composed of digital images taken from Shom nautical charts, with no additions, legends or georeferencing information. At a given scale, it is possible to view only the maps with a scale that allows a correct display. The footprint of all the maps composing this product are shown. Unless exceptional circumstances apply, this product is updated on a monthly basis and the modified grid squares are re-published, replacing the previous versions. All corrections, publications and editions with an effect on the reference nautical charts are taken into consideration.